Welcome to Fun kids Learning Center Pty Ltd
About Us

About Us

Fun Kids Learning Center Pty Ltd is a Sydney based registered Company conducting online and off-line programs including Chinese teaching, computer programming and coding course, Public Speaking, Debating, Creative Writing, and Drama that are designed to be all fun and practical for aiding leaners in becoming confident and good communicators.

Our goal is to motivate and inspire every student to think, communicate and be themselves by imparting the ART and CRAFT of Communication Skill that will create successful, confident individuals, both academically and socially.

Our programs are well structured, in line with NSW syllabus run by trained, experienced and efficient coaches in small groups where individual attention is of utmost importance. They are helpful not only in doing well in Naplan, OC and Selective but also inculcate life skills to be future leaders.   Many kids have benefited to get through scholarship exams by joining our programs.

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